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Meg Pierce

Meg Pierce

Meg Pierce, a native of the Buffalo area, holds an MFA from Pratt Institute. She pursued art and taught on Long Island.

Over time, Pierce's art evolved into a more intimate expression.

She incorporated personal and feminine elements such as vintage lace, fabrics, and sewing notions. Her three-dimensional stitched hangings, suspended from above, evoke a sense of movement and transparency.

These hangings serve as small-scale devotional installations, offering solace and tranquility, akin to icons. They present a complex visual experience while simultaneously representing metaphors for a woman's inner world. The stitching, fabric, lace, and pins symbolize the layers of experience and emotions that shape a woman's spirit, often remaining hidden until carefully reflected upon.

In her recent work, Pierce has bridged contemporary aesthetics with a deeply personal expression of her history and identity, resulting in an art that is delicate, meditative, and peaceful.